“every day i wake up to the same thing…
the familiar sound of the telephone ring…
the familiar voice of the woman i love…
born with celestial wings, sent from above…
‘cause that’s what angels do, they say pretty things…
with sentiment that people only dream of…
feeling or knowing having experienced…
a happiness that comes from being loved…
and with the day commenced, her love’s dispensed…
to me through “good mornings”; in present tense…
sunshine to my life; bright, shining beams of…
light from words that can only be deemed love…
every day i wake to myself admitting...
to return that love in speech most fitting...
they're tribute; meaning they're purpose serving...
it's praise befitting of a goddess deserving...
giving all of myself and in exchange getting...
every part of her; freely, without conserving…
“i love you’s” that embed themselves in my heart…
she loves me despite my being undeserving…
her words: spoken art; they continue to impart…
a joy to hold on to long after we part…
our reality is finding myself observing…
that loving her is passion worth preserving…
and when the day is done, and i’m all alone…
again the familiar ring of the telephone…
calling merely to say her thoughts are of me…
in a harmonious tone; a sweet melody…
when i can’t see her, i see her love still shown…
when i can’t touch her, it touches the heart of me…
despite the times separation pains us...
when it feels she and i aren’t the “we” we should be...
but letting distance change us, would be dangerous...
understanding it’s our love that sustains us...
we flourish believing one day we’ll be...
an lasting image of intimacy...
and when the day is done, she’s at the other end...
of the line; a connection that truly transcends...
we claim a bond deeper than the ones of our peers...
or the ones of our friends; one that is revered...
where she speaks to me as a man she can depend...
and she speaks to me as a man she’s found sincere...
alternating between talking and crying…
choked up, she continues while fighting back tears…
and i’d be lying, if i weren’t trying…
to hear her words yet keep my eyes from perspiring…
i’m failing; though without her i’ve failed for years…
having missed love spread from her lips to my ears…”