"my work's been called "beautiful" and "sad" and "therapeutic". i guess it's all of these things. people like it or they love it or whatever because they understand it. it moves them, it makes them feel something, sometimes brings them to tears. you see, i like to write and since they say, "write what you know", i'm always writing about wanting and heartache. because i know those things and i write them well. and people feel that because desire is just as human as hurt is. but yesterday i told a friend of mine i was tired of writing and while i am, i don't think i told her why exactly. it's because the wanting and heartache i'm writing about these days is based on one of two things: actual past experiences with women i've wanted before or hypothetical future situations with women i've wanted before. noticing a theme here? but i'm not writing this to kick my own ass about
who i write about. the women in my past have been quality women. real quality. and i regret no one, just things on my end. my problem is the past and the future aspects of my writing. there are three tenses and i'm tired of writing about the two i've seemingly got no control over. the past is done, the future unknown, so why not write about the present? maybe if i were writing about the present i wouldn't be tired of writing. cause i'm sick of autobiograghies and science fictions. so the next time i write, "she whispered into my ear, sweetness that only she possessed, love that only we felt. when she said, 'i don't ever wanna be without you', her grasp confirmed it.", those words aren't me trying to recall a moment from ten years ago or something i think could happen three years from now. it's something i'm penning in my heart as i hold her."
create your life with your writing. Sometimes you have to bring into exisitence what you want.