"this is a very short version of a dream i had the other night. imagine it's three years in the future. i have made myself somewhat successful in my endeavors. i don't remember what i do but i have a pocket full of money and am driving a new "mustang" convertible. the rain continues to pour as i round the corner towards the address i was given. being back in my hometown, if only for a short while, has been good for me. it has given me a chance to check up on her, like our days back in high school. i was like her guardian angel, standing back and watching over her. except i loved her. it was a serious "city of angels" dilemma i had. i check my note and park outside what looks like a nice suburban house. there is a wrought iron fence surrounding the property. i open the gate and stroll up the walk on to the porch. ringing the doorbell, i am surprised to find a man answering the door. not that she is living with a man, but that this guy is at least thirty years older than she is. i ask him if she is there and he invites me in and tells me he will get her. i am so nervous. it's not that i'm worried she's changed her appearance. i was in love with her essence, her being. but i'm scared that time has worn away my presence in her heart. the pictures on the fireplace show her with the man who appeared the door and two kids that i've never seen before. again, i'm not surprised. she was living with her boyfriend when we graduated and i knew they had a kid together. i have his picture in my wallet. now i recognize him in the pictures on the mantle. my mind wanders until i am tapped on the shoulder. i almost jump out of my skin. i turn around to find myself in total amazement. before me stands a woman even more beautiful than i remembered, than in every picture i have of her. her face is exactly the same but she has a more motherly body. the few pounds she has added have only made her look even better. they have gone to all the right places. she is surprised to see me and my fears are relieved when she gives me a big hug and kiss. i tell her how great she looks, which makes her blush and she echoes my sentiments. she tells me she couldn't believe it when her father told her i was in the living room. this information relieves me. i don't mean to be selfish but i still want a shot with her. she asks what i have been doing since high school. i give her my rags-to-riches story, until her father announces that he is leaving for a while. we bid him farewell and i finish my story. she seems impressed, telling me she knew i was going to be very successful in life. i ask her about her life and what she's been doing. she takes me by the hand and leads me into the baby's room. the baby is sleeping soundly in its cradle. she tells me her story of loser boyfriends, unplanned pregnancies and survival. i show her the picture i have of her oldest son and she smiles. she tells me that she has been taking classes in dentistry and is close to getting her degree. i tell her that i'm proud of her. that i knew she would do great things. she gives me a kiss on the cheek. i ask her about her personal life. i want to know if she is dating anyone. she tells me that she isn't. not since she broke up with her baby's father. i offer a weak condolence and have the question reciprocated. i tell her i haven't been successful in that area. i tell her i've been waiting for her, only her, ever since high school. she pulls me close to her and we kiss. then i woke up."
1980/5*5...I'm back!!
5 years....5 months ago...
Finally the day has come! I purposefully chose to wait until this day.
It's been 1,980 days since I last pu...
4 years ago
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