"while you were sleeping, i was up thinking about us. why do i continue to put myself through this torture? i want you. i've always wanted you. ever since we met. and i've mentioned this to you on several occasions. but how do you respond? "i don't know about it" or "let me think about it". are you still thinking? here's what i'm thinking. if i were any other man i would have been with other girls while you considered us as a couple. and maybe, eventually, one of them would become more appealing to me than even you. but that's when you decided we would make a great couple and i was your completion. and when you told me, i would give my girlfriend a kiss and tell you i would think about it. but you know i'm not going to and you'd blown your shot. that's what would have happened if i was any other man. but i'm not. i'm foolish and stupid and still waiting for your answer. are you still thinking? think hard but think fast. because soon i'm going to be thinking about what may have been, while you're sleeping alone."
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