"i'm looking for a girl with b5. b5 is something i made up. it's taken from math where the b stands for different descriptive words that start with b and the 5 because there are 5 b words. the 5 b words all make up equal parts of the girls, hence why the 5 is written as an exponent. the 5 b words are: brains, beauty, body, bible and beethoven. let me explain. first, brains. i said they were equal parts but this is the one i desire the most. i want someone i can talk to. stupidity annoys me. second, beauty. and i mean a beautiful face. sometimes a beautiful face can be found on a less than beautiful body. but it's the first time you see so it counts for something. third, body. like a beautiful face, sometimes a great body has a less than great feace. but a girl shouldn't let her body get in bad shape. fourth, bible. i want a girl who believes in god and goes to church. spiritually keeps me grounded while others soar into space. and last, beethoven. i know it sounds weird. i say beethoven because i want a girl who believes in the arts. theatre and classical music and literature. things that prove humans have evolved enough to appreciate others' creativity and expression. here are the b5. where is the girl with them?"
sometime in '99 or '00
"when i read this as i was typing it i could really tell how young i was by my thinking. not that the idea wasn't sound but i can really tell how much more evolved i've become 12 years later; not only as a person but as a writer. i'm thinking i may want to redo this thought in '11 to show that growth."
I wud LOVE to read the 2011 version of this! Start working on it now...lol...your wordplay is so sick that i bet u can twist and turn this piece a 1,000 different ways! Its a hot idea..ELABORATE on it
ReplyDeletewhen i saw you had posted this comment i was working on the 2011 version. i have an idea though. give me a couple more days, it'll be done then.