"if a dude is ever a female's number one priority, he loses his position after she graduates high school. if he ever found himself on the same level as her schoolwork or her family or friends, that all changes the second her name was called and she walked across the stage to receive her diploma. and down the totem pole of importance he falls. well, actually up the totem pole; in native american culture, the more important it was, the closer to the bottom it was. the moment she has to start thinking about paying for her education, her priorities shift...then it's school, work, family, friends, stuff, other stuff, dude. wait, does she have kids? then it's kids, school, work, family, friends, stuff, other stuff, dude. which isn't wrong per se, a quality woman places her children above everything else, especially her man. i get that. and i understand it. but honestly, understanding it doesn't mean i like that it's seems like everything and everybody else come before i do. i don't like feeling like an afterthought."
sometime in early '11, just finished today.
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