"normally i wouldn't do this but i had a lot of thoughts on pro wrestling and i'm going to post them. my grandmother died while we were watching a wcw pay-per-view in '99 so i'll dedicate them to her."
first, i'm tired of john cena. seriously. he came in at the end of the "attitude era" hard like a wannabe eminem and he was good at that. but his act now is stale. look, i love america as much as anybody and i support the troops as well, but right now he's "hacksaw" jim duggan waving his flag; he's sgt. slaughter with wristbands. btw, didn't he get drafted to smackdown this year? has he wrestled on smackdown since he got drafted?
second, watching tna impact is like stepping into a time machine and going back to my junior year in high school. "hulk hogan, eric bischoff, jeff jarrett, sting, scott steiner, ric flair..." "who are dudes who should've retired from professional wrestling in 1996 alex?" i don't know if i'm watching current television or playing "wcw nitro" on my computer 15 years ago.
third, kurt angle... probably the most pure wrestler in the game today. but dude can't turn his head side-to-side anymore; he's suffered so much trauma to his neck. he should retire now or soon he'll be riding his motorized wheelchair down to the ring.
fourth, wwe tag teams... what tag teams? the champs are evan bourne and kofi kingston...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i'm bored already. i'd almost rather watch another diva match than what the wwe is calling tag teams these days. almost.
fifth, wwe divas... i'd rather watch any, even the worst, tna knockout than the best wwe diva. kelly kelly is the champ, 'nuff said.
sixth, the last time i saw kevin nash on tna impact he was all gray. suddenly, he has dark hair on wwe raw. why the "just for men"? you're 50+, everyone knows it. accept it.
seventh, i like randy orton but his mannerisms when he's hearing "voices" are getting ridiculous. only in wrestling can you waste as much time as he does after knocking someone down and not then get your ass kicked.
eighth, i knew bryan danielson was the truth from reading about his exploits in "ring of honor" in "pro wrestling illustrated" like 9 years ago; but i don't remember seeing his picture then. so when he came in the wwe as "daniel bryan" in the first season on nxt i didn't make the connection at first. glad to see he's become a player in the major leagues now.
ninth, it's about time the wwe's using mark henry as the unstoppable force he should've been when he first came into the company 15 years ago. he = cain marko or "juggernaut" for those who aren't into the "x-men" like i am.
tenth, i love the cm punk/jona cena two champs angle but i think they rushed through too fast. first, they brought cm punk back too fast. after john cena beat rey mysterio for the title, they should've drawn out cena being the champ for months (like until survivor series) and then had cm punk come back claiming to be the "real" champ. more dramatic i think. but they killed that angle to push the cm punk/triple h storyline, which i like, i just would've saved it for next year. btw, with the cm punk/triple h match now being a "no dq" match at "night of champions", does anyone else already know that kevin nash is now going to interfere in that match? i've seen enough wrestling to be able to predict that."
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