"if you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed." - juliana hatfield
"stealing an idea from my girl nicole, i'm also going to make a list; except my list will be of 33 things i want to accomplish before my 33th birthday: september 28, 2012. maybe if i have a tangible list to look at, i'll be more motivated to knock some of the things on it out."
"i am going to make a list of 33 things...some big, some small, some ridiculous even for my standards." - nicole chavers
"exactly...but i'm still writing them down...
1) be working on multi-millionaire status. (fail.)
2) retire. (epic fail.)
3) achieve worldwide recognition for this brilliance. (fail.)
4) develop a "more talking, less thinking" attitude. (maybe.)
5) be with the woman i'm gonna spend my life with. (maybe.)
6) have that woman carrying my offspring. (epic fail.)
7) find somewhere to be...it's not here. (maybe.)
8) become more of a grown-up. (epic fail.)
9) finish the story i'm writing. (epic fail.)
10) catch a nhl game. (failed.) the finals ended 6-13-12 and the regular season won't begin until after my birthday.
11) propose. marriage in under a year is unrealistic. (epic fail.)
12) develop that "inner circle": that group of friends that don't care your shit stinks. (maybe.)
13) stop mass blogging. be a little more consistent with frequency of my posting. (failed. sonnets killed that idea.)
14) do the susan g. komen breast cancer walk. (epic fail.)
15) take my mom on an alaskan cruise. fuck the caribbean! (epic fail.)
16) write the lyrics for a great love song. (epic fail.)
17) get published. (accomplished. (2x)) got a letter 11-14-11 saying one of my poems ("words in the am"; an exerpt of "a phone call") was being published in a book of poetry in january 2012.
got another letter about a week ago (today is 6-18-12) saying my poem ("words in the am"; an exerpt of "a phone call") was being published in another book of poetry, sometime around july 2012. maybe i should submit another poem.
18) 31 sonnets in 2 31-day months. (accomplished.) december 5, 2011 through january 26, 2012 wrote 32.
19) 155 sonnets... (accomplished.) 1 more than historians have the text for william shakespeare. this isn't really a "before my 33th" goal, but it is something i'm confident i can do. today is 2-14-12 and i have 51; sure, i could have another 104 at that pace i'm writing them and i'm not going to risk quality for quantity.
today is 4-4-12 and i'm halfway from shakespeare (77 done).
today is 5-19-12 and i have 110 done.
today is 6-18-12 and i have 127 done.
today is 8-2-12 and i'm finished (155 done) almost 2 months before my birthday. 155 sonnets in 8 months...
20) ...
was working on 20 when i realized i'm not really the "making goals" type. lol!
"so as you can see i have some thinking to do. i will be adding on as inspiration appears. my goal is to have this list completed by ... so that gives me and my procastinating ass plenty of time to think about what i really want out of life. i need to set myself a foundation with direction and this is my starting point." - nicole chavers
So, is this list in any order what-so-ever??? So curious!
ReplyDeleteyeah, in order of when i thought of them.