sonnet 131
“in the past i’ve been content to deny…
telling myself living without was fine…
but i’ve discovered that to be a lie;
that a life without love couldn’t be mine…
i can no longer dismiss what i’ve seen…
my eyes won’t allow me to anymore…
‘cause in prior times such an act did mean,
i had ignored someone worth looking for…
so today i choose to share a feeling;
some private sentiment meant to express,
that perhaps in finding one appealing,
there’s more in doing a little less…
like stating that she’s important to me…
the dedication of words orally…”
sonnet 132
“it’s been written: i only want one thing;
and that’s true because i am like most guys…
whether we’re coupled or a short-lived fling,
my station lies betwixt a pair of thighs…
the truth is i want more than her vagine…
“va jean” being its pronunciation…
start at her hips, it’s the space between,
just so there’s no misinterpretation;
or any words come out accidental…
since nothing ever “cums” out a mistake…
i own the pussy; the womb’s a rental,
as an oven for my baby to bake…
i do want one thing: my own in the end…
a reality based off a thought penned…”
sonnet 133
“this ode is a gift; it’s tribute-serving…
to all those that inspire me to write…
so in the selflessness of observing,
i selfishly use words in black and white…
hoping they fulfill their true objective:
an attempt at well-earned recognition…
written praise from a writer’s perspective;
only penned without his hand’s permission…
i offer these lines in order to say:
thanks from the heart; blah blah, tenth syllable…
liking my thoughts shown in a creative way,
just shows that my ego’s unkillable…
‘cause compliments feed an arrogant hat,
thus, seen in my work; i thank y’all for that…”
sonnet 134
“it’s only in thoughts of her i realize,
that a love for her resides within me…
it lies deeper than a pair of brown eyes,
and farthest than anything they may see…
they lack; i can’t visualize what i think;
yet it inside allows me to recall:
when love penned on a heart in lasting ink,
then it tattooed means you’re fated to fall…
and i’ve fallen, through words in pretty script…
written on mine by destiny’s own hand…
my emotions being shown as ink dripped;
pooling in the area where i stand…
‘cause it’s in loving her i learn the truth;
only permanent acts are seen as proof…”
sonnet 135
“i yell out her name in the darkest night,
when even the moon has abandoned me…
and the stars shine slightly less than they might,
if they only shone bright in times that we,
watched together, coupled, to discover,
the magnificence they tend to display…
when she and i, naked under cover;
let actions say what we wanted to say…
now heavenly bodies avoid my eyes,
divine ones in the sky; hers here on earth…
it’s through an empty bed that i realize,
exactly what our past exploits were worth…
i stare at the black, my mind on the fact,
life without her has had such an impact.…”
sonnet 136
“i don’t need to talk, she echoes my thoughts;
‘cause she says the things that i’d past written…
in each word spoken; and there have been lots,
i need not wonder whether she’s smitten...
but “echoed” means she’s just repeating me;
which means i have ideas worth repeating…
since my every thought’s been geared towards we;
penned lines on us prove our love’s not fleeting…
we’re confirmed when my words escape her lips…
i stand still in order to clearly hear…
the term “always”; and find that adverb grips,
but it’s her “forever” that makes me tear…
both words whispered denotes i should listen…
to our hearts out loud while my cheeks glisten…”
sonnet 137
“the simple truth is the past isn’t passed,
not until you see the future complete…
and you’ll discover the present will last,
as long as the past is stuck on repeat…
but i’m not arguing that’s that harmful,
i loop the time when she was at my side…
so close to me, got myself an armful;
a handful too; as i’d not be denied…
must i press play in order to progress;
perhaps fast-forward that scene to the next?
would that experience mean a little less,
if i did; knowing the past had been exed?
does closure mean i turn the page on her?
well fuck that; what’s better than what we were…”
sonnet 138
“either pro- or anti-; even in dreams…
and nightmares; i tend to be the same way…
i’m noticing i see life in extremes…
where i claim black or white, but never gray…
when i say black, i mean the darkest hue;
the furthest end of the color spectrum…
my position’s seen as slightly askew;
my knows like a deviated septum…
i disgress, my point’s i tend to commit,
to a view; even if that view’s not norm…
despite having to deal with others’ shit,
i am who i am and i won’t conform…
‘though things may be easier as a shade,
an intense tint means i’m better displayed…”
sonnet 139
“i’m no superman though i’ve heard the phrase;
clark kent’s more accurate to what most see…
it’s only through self-awareness these days,
i can be the person i want to be…
and i want to wear a permanent “s”;
all women can see when we’re not in bed…
embedded; maybe then they’ll acquiesce;
that i’m as “super”, when no words are said;
or no words are penned; i’ll still be gifted…
and not one they’ll find easy to replace…
no longer meaning my role has shifted;
more like the two me’s now stand in one place,
with no super powers; a normal guy…
becomes heroic just because we try…”
sonnet 140
“my thoughts vary when i’m thinking of her…
in imagery of an extended range…
but in my opinion, i would prefer,
knowing our thoughts were an equal exchange…
she provides no clues her thoughts are of me;
not even a word to say how she feels…
yet i know that both of us would agree,
that one or two definitely appeals…
thus, i’ve been hesitant in assuming…
my heart’s inspired hers to feel the same…
‘though her presence on my mind’s consuming;
i know i only have myself to blame,
for a situation so appallin’…
when she gives little to one who’s fallen…”
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