sonnet 141
“my thoughts today of what you and i are,
takes me back to where you and i started…
at a little place called “the daily bar”,
just a few years before i departed…
but memories are vivid; like a dream:
i recall us on a bench in the back;
an intimate moment eating ice cream,
that lasted long after the sky turned black…
walking hand-in-hand on a warm spring night;
with nothing to do and nowhere to be…
merely talking about our future bright;
i had never been a happier me…
and though these days we aren’t what we once were,
we’re better now ‘cause the past did occur…”
sonnet 142
“found an old picture of me and the “wife”;
worn and faded; with my face half-erased…
a haunting reminder of a past life:
the “she and i”; before i’d been replaced…
but despite its damage i can still see,
in it both of us carry a brilliant smile:
evidence that we had once been happy;
‘cause showing teeth’s proof we had been a while…
i think back to when the shot was taken;
the way that a nostalgic sometimes will…
and find i can’t stop my heart from breakin’,
knowing what we were’s now only a still…
it’s confirmation why over the years,
my thoughts of us come while fighting back tears…”
sonnet 143
“through her, i realize what words sometimes do:
at times meaning more when the statements end…
in “more than you know”; ones i’ve seen pursue,
the three most important we’ve ever penned…
we echo; thus i find it to be real,
yet really hard for me to understand…
in using those words to state what we feel;
are we truly aware of where we stand?
why do we use the term “more than you know”;
to express things we’d established before?
‘cause our reality is it does show,
our hearts get there’s as much truth in those four,
as there’s in ‘i love you’s” commonly shared…
two phrases between us: perfectly paired…”
sonnet 144
“there was a time when she would reach for me;
and when she couldn’t, a thing to remind;
intimately; like my “nirvana” tee,
because me on her skin's proof we did bind…
but she don’t need to wear my shirt these days;
i’m all over her yet i’m nowhere near…
since “i’m with her always”, but that’s the phrase,
she uses because she’s there and i’m here…
i’m “riding her back”, it’s me on “both blades”;
as tribute in ink; through emblems defined…
script in red and blue; black, various shades…
a writer’s signature used to remind:
just what i am and what i mean to her…
because my presence with her’s forever…”
sonnet 145
"i only sleep when i sleep next to her...
any other time in bed it eludes me...
awake with the thoughts of what may occur:
consumed with what things should or shouldn't be...
but not when she is laying by my side;
then it's easy to focus on the now...
presently without my slumber denied,
and other things her presence does allow...
only when she's near can i close my eyes;
comfortable enough to drift away...
'cause i have confidence that when i arise,
i'll awaken with her there the next day...
and thus i'm no longer afraid of dreams,
us in real life's more than all that it seems..."
sonnet 146
"there's no mistaking the look in her eyes...
they radiate 'cause lust does inspire...
seeing only him, in a room of guys;
he's the sole object of her desire...
she walks up to him with a sexy smile...
confident that he's hers without a word...
he's nervous 'cause it's been a while;
well, never has a thing like this occurred...
she's into him to whisper in his ear,
though it's hard to hear her 'cause its so loud...
she steps back and mouths "let's get out of here"
takes him by the hand, moving through the crowd...
thinking to herself that she knew she'd win,
passion personified had struck again..."
sonnet 147
"she'd read things that i'd written, to then say,
she needed in her life the man i was…
like she'd die if i took my words away;
that her life would simply end just because,
the things i write are what lies in her heart,
yet no one she knows echoes what's inside…
so it seems she finds her world falling apart,
from feelings stored she always has to hide…
but in what i pen she sees her true form:
a special woman deserving of more;
that others view someone like her the norm:
one easy to possess loving thoughts for…
i'm in her life, though merely to remind,
she never forget herself a rare find…"
sonnet 148
"she opens the door, never expecting…
the person knocking on it to be me…
still in shock, and only half-accepting,
what it is her eyes have shown her to see…
but i'm standing where i'd said i would stand;
one day if things had ever gone my way…
and when i extend my own for her hand,
it leaves her speechless with nothing to say…
placing the other on her lovely face,
i draw her closer than we've been in years…
she begins to cry during the embrace;
our lips meet in spite of cascading tears…
we're once again electric, like the past;
maybe this time the current flow will last…"
sonnet 149
“sometimes i contemplate what we should be;
the evolution of what we once were…
and i believe that she‘s afraid of me,
‘cause i’m a thought inside the mind of her…
and while that thought proves love still dwells within,
it isn’t the reason i’ve deemed that she’s scared;
it’s the being what we’d once been again,
when we had been romantically paired…
being fearful we’ll repeat past mistakes,
that allowed what we had to fall apart…
but i know better; and we’ve what it takes;
nothing will daunt knowing that in my heart…
not worry, anxiety or concern;
keep me from thinking her love will return…”
sonnet 150
“i know the woman who lives in the shoe;
yeah, the chick with the abundance of kids…
the results for someone who likes to screw,
but condoms she vehemently forbids…
she has boys and girls, and they’re everywhere;
behind the tongue, hanging from the laces…
they wear filthy clothes, and have muddled hair,
and run around with dirt on their faces…
but her weave is tight and her nails are done;
plus, the dress she has on still owns its tag…
now she’s leaving her “pump” for a new one;
plenty of cash flowing out of a “coach” bag…
yeah, i see that broad almost every day,
making her money the parallel way…”
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