"i can only conclude that based on my interactions with other people that my definition of "fate" varies significantly from those i've heard use the phrase before. i believe in fate, i do, and nothing will convince me that i shouldn't; but i've seen that my "fate" and others' aren't really the same thing. example…me happening upon an old classmate i haven't seen in 20 years at a grocery store in a foreign city; i'd probably classify that as “fate”: the stars aligning or a pre-destined moment or whatever you want to label it. and i think that a lot of people would agree with me, but that's where i believe the "fate" part ends. i mean, i wouldn't call that chick giving me head in the supermarket parking lot twenty minutes later an equally unavoidable occurrence, and i certainly don't think she'd consider swallowing my load her "destiny". no, i feel that "fate" consists of a single instant, where certain elements conspire towards a life-altering event, but everything after that moment is an opportunity. it may have been "fate" that crossed our paths, but it probably wasn't the same phenomenon that uncrossed her legs in the backseat; we're still speaking hypothetically of course.
"why are you writing this brian?" good question, nosy person randomly asking poignant inquiries aloud. this is simply the real-life application of a theory…on the differences between what i believe: of what things are versus what they have been in the past. basically my thinking is, having written "loving her was fate" in a past piece, i was wrong when i penned that. and perhaps what i believed to be "fate" shouldn't have been deemed the conclusion of what we could be. instead, it should be thought of as merely the starting point of the future i’ve determined i want for myself. one day i had been lonely…and she had been lonely…and “fate” decided to put us in each other’s lives at that grocery store, through a social-networking site, or a chance encounter on the street…however; i’ll accept that as truth. “fate” provided the opportunity, but taking advantage of that opportunity is up to each individual person. if i hadn’t said anything to her in that moment, could i really say it wasn’t our “fate” to be together? ‘cause that kind of sounds like a bit of a cop out. if i had let the moment slip away then i wouldn't really know what she and i could have been "destined" for, would i?
but i hadn’t. when our moment came, i had done everything i could to take advantage of the opportunity “fate” had provided us. that was all i could do. so if my future didn’t include her, i wouldn’t be able to blame “destiny” for that…unless “destiny” had been the one that had swallowed her “destiny”. umm…nevermind.
no, loving her wasn’t “fate”; meeting her was. loving her was more like…inevitable.”
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