at brown eyes magnetic; i find brown eyes attract
my brown eyes to her own, they keep drawing me in;
i’m drawn to them the way moths and flames interact
i continue to stare as her brown eyes stare back,
knowing i should turn from them but nothing distracts;
nothing else exists in the world that we live in,
just she, i, and the tools we use for eye contact
i know the sight burns into my mind in the act;
searing; to see it will endure times all is black;
when my brown eyes are closed, her brown eyes are open,
proof the connection between them remains intact;
proof her regard has had its desired impact;
see, she wants brown eyes to remain after the fact
a lasting reminder ‘til i see them again;
the last thing i see when i see no more in fact
i return to her face, to our gaze still intact
‘cause brown eyes hypnotic means nothing ‘round distracts
the truth is they mesmerize; i can’t help but spin;
i can’t seem to get my train of thought back on track
it’s in looking straight in her eyes, my mind’s sidetracked;
only i find a direct path through the same act
brown lost in brown, for me serves as inspiration,
each time i have words inside i need to extract”
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