"i want a girl that's smart. and i don't mean smart like she was able to tell her teacher 5 times 5 was 25 on the first try back in the fifth grade, when she knew she was going to be quizzed on monday and had the whole weekend to study her 10 by 10 multiplication table. that's not smart. if i say, for example, "waiting for the time clock to hit 8:15 makes me think of pavlov's dog salivating", there are three definite responses that would be an instant turn-off to me. one response would be, "who's pavlov?". now i know that would eliminate at least 3/4 of the eligible girls in the world and considering you don't cover pavlov in school like george washington or napoleon, i'd probably let that one slide. i couldn't decide which one of the other two responses was worse, "what's a dog?" or "what's a pavlov's dog?" "what's a dog?" sounded worse to me until i thought about the second question more carefully. to completely dismiss the idea that the term "pavlov's dog" isn't a person and an animal initially, that seems just as bad as not knowing what a dog was in the first place. to somehow merge the term into a single more complex thing just seems wrong. i want a girl who will say something like, "it's like the final tick of the clock is the bell that's trained you to know to go home. you are glenwood's dog", in a joking manner. i need someone to talk to, discuss and debate over more sophisticated topics than whether or not i liked a movie or watched a television show. that's okay sometimes but i would like to talk about a john grisham novel or one of shakespeare's plays occasionally. maybe go see an orchestra perform mozart's "don giovanni". but most of the girls i know can't even spell mozart, let alone tell you what he did. my mom says i'll have to go to a college campus to meet someone smart enough for me. really? jay leno was interviewing college graduates right after they walked off the stage graduation day, asking basic questions anyone out of high school should easily know. he asked many people what 3 squared was. everyone on tv said 6. someone offered the excuse that they weren't a math major. i hope not. now, i ask myself, "is college where i will find a kindred spirit, some woman with all sorts of knowledge and a love of the arts?". that remains to be seen., but i know right now it's making me crazy. to have theories on various subjects and no one to test them on, is very disheartening. it's like my brain will soon become a shell of its former self. help me!
9-1-99...this post is for ska.
1980/5*5...I'm back!!
5 years....5 months ago...
Finally the day has come! I purposefully chose to wait until this day.
It's been 1,980 days since I last pu...
4 years ago
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