"have you ever felt that in one seemingly insignificant gesture, one small thing you did, your future was forever changed, though you didn't know how? like at a single moment of uncertainty in your life, you decided to do one thing, one little thing, and that choice had a lasting effect on your world. because in that instant you did something you'd never done before. something you'd never learned to do. something you'd never seen. something you were never taught. at a time when your instincts told you to just do what you would normally do, the total opposite. but you didn't. this was the time something inside of you gave you the courage to do that seemingly insignificant thing, that forever altered your life. i have. that's the way i felt the first time i told you i loved you. just words to anyone else, but to me, represent a departure from the emotionally-repressed life i was living. while others use "i love you" loosely i waited until i actually felt i knew what it meant before i uttered it. waited for the time i thought i could say it sincerely. truthfully. definitely. i love you. and letting you know that i love you will definitely change my future. because before i was on a path without you, without your love. destined for nothing and no one. but because we have been brought together tomorrow seems bright. why? because it's no longer my future, it's our future. our future together."
1980/5*5...I'm back!!
5 years....5 months ago...
Finally the day has come! I purposefully chose to wait until this day.
It's been 1,980 days since I last pu...
4 years ago
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