"it had been a long day and all she wanted to do was get home and out of the clothes that had been her restraints since early that morning, and as soon as she walked through the door of her home if she could help it. and as soon as she turned the deadbolt to lock the door, her suit jacket was unbuttoned and on its way to the floor. followed by a heel kicked aside and then the other, her skirt tossed on the couch and her blouse landing over the back of a chair. "whatever", she thought, "i'll get that shit later", as she walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. she turned the shower nozzle until the water was near scalding, which she felt was really the only temperature there was when it came to taking a shower. steam quickly filled the bathroom, and as she walked to her bedroom to remove her undergarments she thought about how stressful her day had been, and how relaxing letting her cares and worries leave her like the water cascading down her body would be. and she smiled. a hot shower was always the solution for a shitty day and today had been pretty shitty. so she took off her lingerie and made her way back to her watery sanctuary.
first, one foot and then the other, as she stepped into the shower. "wow, the water's perfect", she thought as it began its assault on her body. and for a moment, she stood there motionless, reflecting on the day's happenings as the water hit her. how dave the i.t. guy had pissed her off in the morning over some network problems the company she worked for was having. how a mid-morning meeting had run long and she had missed lunch, having to settle for a turkey sandwich and a banana out of the vending machine. how sally the secretary had made thirty copies of the wrong spreadsheet of financial information she needed for the next day. "let it go", she thought, "day's over", and her focus turned to me. because i'm usually what she thought of when she was shutting down the "work" her and going into "anti-work" mode. everyday, when she declared her day done, she thought of me. and she thought of us and what we had been. she grabbed her shampoo and squeezed out enough to wash her hair with. her eyes closed, she remembered the last time we'd attempted a shower together. "not much showering going on that time", she thought, smiling as she turned around to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. she opened up her eyes and i was there. her hair now "pantene-free", she turned to face the water again as she reached out for her vanilla-scented body wash and squirted out a small amount into her hand, working it into a lather. another thought of our last shower and i was behind her again, her hands became my hands and we were one once again. i started at her neck, planting kisses on it as i massaged the body wash into her skin, sensually with a lover's touch. moving on to her shoulders and arms next, then our hands slid to her chest, caressing her breasts and nipples, until they stiffened from my touch. she imagined the feeling of my fingers being replaced by my tongue and the sensation of having it pass over them. a carnal moan escaped from her throat. she had longed for my touch and right then the release that came along with it was what she craved. i slid our hands from her breasts, down her abdomen and onto her outer thighs, leaving behind my own private trail of sudsy circles on her wet body. she moved in such a way, she seemed to dance to a song that only she heard. i continued to wash her, her legs and feet, returning to get the back of her and then to her inner thighs. she opened up her stance a little more, allowing me access to a place i had claimed as my own long before. "bri..ooh...ooh...yes!" her hand...my hand...and thoughts of me, on her womanhood, slowly at first, gradually increasing speed. her breathing was erratic, excited, her words, incoherent. "bri...oh my god! oh my g...!" faster and faster, until her body exploded and she screamed out in orgasm. "yes...yes...yes!" and she collapsed onto the shower wall, unable to stand, her knees weak from climax. after a few minutes she regained her composure enough to turn off the water and exit the shower. taking a towel from the rack she dried herself off, wrapping it around her body as she turned out the bathroom lights and started towards her bedroom.
as soon as she entered her room the towel dropped to the floor. she crawled onto her bed naked, on top of tousled sheets and tossed-about pillows. the matching bra and panty set she once wore, crumbled in a black satin heap upon the floor. she was totally exposed and vulnerable, wishing someone was touching her in the places that excited her. wishing i was there touching her in the places that she'd already promised were mine and mine alone. at a time that i'd explored every inch of her body with lips, fingertips, and tongue and left an indelible impression of our passion scorched in her memory. a feeling she needed desperately to feel at that moment, a feeling she needed to re-create. she ran her hands along the length of her, slowly, from her breasts, down her sides and legs and back to her inner thighs, re-tracing a route i'd traveled before. but this time she was going to have to take the journey solo. this time i wasn't coming to replace her fingers with my fingers. i wasn't coming to blaze another path on her body. i wasn't coming...at all. i wouldn't be there to hear her moaning and mumbling nonsense when she reached her apex. i wouldn't be there to see the look of elation she had after her second, no, third orgasm and she was finally sated. i wasn't there, so the memory of what we had once been would have to be enough for both her and myself.
i always wonder when she's alone and her hands begin to roam her body, is it me she's thinking of? i wonder if she wishes her fingers were my fingers? i wonder if she wants me there with her? i wonder..."
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