"jeezy said, 'yeah, be the realest shit i never wrote
i ain't write this by the way nigga, some real shit right here nigga
this'll be the realest shit you ever quote...'
well i did write this shit right here and that doesn't make it any less real. 'cause i only really know how to come one way, i come from the heart. every word that makes up every thought...from the heart. i write what i'm feeling even though there are times i'd rather not be feeling the things that i'm writing. i know pain and heartache so i write about pain and heartache. but that shit's getting old, even to me. people have told me that i have a way with words. perhaps? so why not try writing about something else? i think i'm gonna start writing about magical faraway lands, places with fairies and elves. you can call me j.r.r. "bro"-lkien. is "hobbit" copyrighted? or what about spy novels, with james bond-like characters. pussy galore? yeah, i bet. how 'bout (br)ian fleming? i don't know, i just know i need to be penning something else.
but back to "the realest shit i never wrote". wait! that was real as anything jeezy's ever spit. anyway...
maybe there's more than pain and heartache to my new work. maybe she opens the door and another chapter begins for us. maybe it goes something like this...
the first time i saw her after the last time i saw her didn't come as much of a surprise as the time in between had been. i told her i was coming and she was waiting for me. it was pretty late when i walked up to her doorstep and knocked on the door. and i kinda felt like an asshole about it, normally i wouldn't visit someone that late. normally i wouldn't visit anyone at all. but this wasn't something i could do whenever i wanted to. we're in two different cities...with two different lives. and you have to take advantage of the opportunities you've given, right? i was back there and she was there, so late was gonna have to be better than never. plus, she knew it was gonna be late when i got there, she could've told me not to come. so i gotta assume she wanted to see me as bad as i wanted to see her. and i was desperate to see her. so, no, the seeing her wasn't really a surprise at all. the how you go from being head over heels in love, to not talking, to a memory and so quickly, was much more of a mystery. i don't know and i really don't like to think about it. all i'll say is that there were two people involved and two people at fault for what happened between us. i can't speak for her but i know that despite the fact that we weren't talking or in each other's lives during that time, i never stopped thinking about her. and though we'd both moved on to other things in our lives, i never stopped loving her. never. but i said nothing as she showed me into her house.
we sat down on the couch and were greeted by the magical sofa nymphs that called the space beneath the cushions home. they introduced themselves as "arden" and "elias", king and queen of "broyhillia", land of the sofa nymphs. they are a gentle people who had known nothing but peace for centuries...i can't write that shit. it's sounding ridiculous. anyway, we talked and it was like old times, when we were together, happy and full of hope for our future. not like the present when she had somebody but wasn't happy. and i had nobody and wasn't happy either. but i could recall times when we'd both been happy. if i mentioned sawyer point with the kids would she laugh? would she remember how i chased her daughters around the playground that day? if i brought up watching the airplanes by the airport another day would she smile? would she wonder if she still had the pictures we took that day? maybe she would do all of those things. but i said nothing as we continued talking about everything else and nothing in particular.
minutes became hours and yet time stood still. we'd always been comfortable and at peace in one another's company and nothing had diminished that. and as our conversation continued, the incidental contact increased as the distance between us decreased. a light brushing of the thigh, a hand to the arm to emphasize a point. a gaze that lasted a little longer then it probably should have. and suddenly i understood what jeezy meant. the "realest shit i never wrote" isn't anything i've already penned in this thought. it's what happened when we looked into each other's eyes and we both realized that we could be happy again, together. it's what happened after i took her hand in my own and lead her down the hallway into her bedroom. the "realest shit i never wrote" kept us in that bedroom the rest of the night. and me in her heart the rest of my life. and that'll be the "realest shit you ever quote". yep, i finally said something."
1980/5*5...I'm back!!
5 years....5 months ago...
Finally the day has come! I purposefully chose to wait until this day.
It's been 1,980 days since I last pu...
4 years ago
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