"with valentine's day come and gone, i find myself thinking about love. well, more than usual. but more specifically about the last "love" holiday, "sweetest day" and my post on that day, to which i wrote something to the effect that i'm getting real tired of people telling me to be patient when it comes to finding love. i think i said something like i hope the woman i come to be with loves the asshole i've become due to all the waiting i had to do until we got together. and i really do because i've never been a patient person. last time i checked i am a part of the "microwave" generation: instant oatmeal, minute rice, mark d'antoni's "seven seconds or less" basketball. but i digress, technology and innovation aren't the reasons for me not wanting to wait for a woman. i think i'm tired of waiting for two reasons. one, because i'm too old to be wasting a whole lot more time delaying the family i want for myself. yeah, i've heard the tossing the football around in my wheelchair jokes. but there is some truth in them. the older i get, the older i'll be and there comes a point when playing catch with the young'n ceases to be an option. and second, because it's becoming increasingly difficult to remain the person that i am while enduring all this bullshit i keep encountering. i never compliment myself, i mean i never say i'm the one a woman should be with. that i'm this or that. or what i'll do or can do or whatever. i've never uttered the words, "i'm a good man", if that's what a woman thinks of me, she's formed that opinion for herself. all i can say is that i'm just a dude, with flaws and quirks, just like every other dude. and that i strive to be better than i am because i can be.
i only want one thing. one thing. so it's time to stop fucking around and be about that one thing. my girl turned me on to erykah badu and they both say, "time's a-wastin'" and i concur: time is a wastin'. the countdown of the biological clock started the day i realized the pitter-patter of little feet and my heartbeat were the same sound. ba bum, ba bum, ba bum..."
sometime in '09, a old note i found on my "shadow" phone. just finished today.
1980/5*5...I'm back!!
5 years....5 months ago...
Finally the day has come! I purposefully chose to wait until this day.
It's been 1,980 days since I last pu...
4 years ago
u took the words i am feeling and put them on paper oh well....waiting ....waiting ....waiting....but i am ready now!!!! i need love now!!!!