"the bookful blockhead, ignorantly read
with loads of learned lumber in his head."
- alexander pope
"after using trial and error experimentation for a couple minutes on the secret powers of the "alt" key i discovered that by holding the "alt" key and typing "0", "1", "7" and "8" you get the "squared" symbol. see, watch...e=mc². i know...i'm brilliant, hold your applause. and speaking of brilliant people...
albert einstein said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" and he was a genius so i tend to accept that there's some truth in that statement, him being so smart and all. but i'm a genius too and it doesn't take someone with his intelligence to figure out that i am insane. every time i talk to her...or every time i look at her picture...or every time i read her words; i'm sure einstein would say that continuing to do any of these things and believing that i won't continue to fall in love with her again and again would make me as verrückt as a seetaucher or a wanze or whatever term a german person would use. that that kind of insanity is "straitjacket in a padded room" crazy. or "cutting off half your ear as a "present" to a prostitute" crazy, no offense van gogh; another genius by the way.
yet knowing that she has that strong a hold on my heart is somewhat comforting. (wow! i really am crazy.) i guess because there had been a time when we were together and we loved each other deeply; hard, giving everything of ourselves to one another. a time when i felt she wasn't my better half, or an extension of me; but that what she was, was a part of myself i hadn't discovered until she was in my life as my better half and an extension of me. her love made me the person that i'd always felt i was but for some reason had kept myself from being; someone who actually felt connected and bonded to another person. someone who was more than a shoulder to cry on. and someone who was more than an ear for listening. more than understanding...more than encouraging...with her i was a man more than emotionally invested. we were two different lovers sharing one love. we were two different minds sharing one mindset. we were two becoming one; a math worthy of an "einstein".
"straight attached at the heart and brain"; her words. and she's right, even today we are as much as we've ever been. i bet even a super genius would appreciate that sentiment. i know i do and my iq's only 155.
when we were together we both used the word "always" frequently and we believed what we were saying to one another. it was easy to know the thing between us was a forever thing. when you meet someone and upon holding their hand for the first time you know that the only other hand you'll ever want to hold belongs to the kids you're going to have together makes it pretty easy to know that the relationship you share with that person is transcendent. at least it was to me. despite us breaking up. despite years passing without us communicating. she used the word "always" when we first re-connected and i agreed. i used the word "forever" yesterday and she concurred with perspiring eyes.
"how do you tell the person that you've always loved that you still have that love in your heart for them"; again...her words. so yeah, it really is comforting to know that we haven't lost, no, buried the feelings we once felt for one another. like i said, we're transcendent. and knowing that doesn't make falling for her seem crazy at all.
"gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." - albert einstein
what about love then albert? can love be held responsible for people falling in love? hmmm..."
Absolutely great post!!!! Now you know that me and "Al" go waaaay back and I asked him that same question...lol! This fool responded by telling me to look up a quote that simply said that “Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.” So maybe gravitation is possibly be the reason.. I could argue that fact! I bet that when he says "forever" he is just saying that "“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever.” And when she says "always" maybe just maybe she feels like “A true lover always feels in debt to the one she loves.”--Ralph Sockman
ReplyDeletemaybe you're right about his "forever" and her "always". a.e. told me jeffrey said "true love never dies, even if you have found a new love, the sweet memory of the past will continue to hunt you for the rest of your life." i wish he had told me before i posted though.
ReplyDeleteme too.