"stop making me think, my brain hurts! seriously, i'll forever be indebted to you. you push me to new heights with not just my writing but my life because you've always challenged me on my thinking and my bullshit. i called you "my yin" but that's not entirely accurate. yin yang represents seemingly contrary forces and we're not really opposites. more like two similar entities that compliment each other, ketchup and mustard i suppose. i don't know. like i said my brain hurts. one last point, and don't debate me on this cause i know you'll want to. i'm better for knowing you and thankful that we have each other to bounce ideas off of each other, even though when you disagree with me you're wrong."
Thru the years we have picked up on each others ways. I swear everytime I finish a blog or get caught up in the middle of one I always say "my brain hurts". In reading your writing its funny because I know exactly where you will start your argument but for some reason I still stage the "debate" because you never know exactly what you're gonna say...lol. Although we do have similiar thoughts and styles I think that we have developed a concrete way to accept each others stance on a subject by coming to a neutral ground where we both can be right. Like I told you earlier Im not always wrong, i just may not always be right...there is a difference...lol. And we agreed on this. yay! First time in about what 4 years! P.s... I'm the mustard:)