"as i stand next to her i realize her face is glowing. and that her smile is luminous. she's radiant, the light coming off of her is literally blinding me but i can't turn away from her. i mean i've seen her happy before, hundreds of times over things i considered nothings at the time. waking up next to her, a lazy sunday and wii with the kids, the infamous "booty dance". simple, seemingly nothing things that made her fall in love with me. but there's something different about her today. today i have no words for her beauty, poets greater than myself would fumble for words to describe it. homer wrote that helen had the face that launched a 1,000 ships in "the iliad". well i know the face before me launched at least one boat and i am truly blessed to be its captain. i place her hand in my own and vow to love her with everything that i am, giving everything of myself to her. that even my last breath on this earth would be a declaration of my love for her. and if it were possible to love her in death i would, that what we have together transcends our physical beings. that what we share is a spiritual connection. emily bronte said, "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." and i echo those sentiments, hers and mine are the same. this thing between us is forever. i place the ring on her finger and she cries and i cry and we continue crying while attempting to wipe away each other's tears. and before the minister can say, "i now pronounce you...", i move closer to her and kiss her the first kiss of our lives together as one. then i wake up. because it seems my hell is finding myself in the wedding we never had. there had been a time when we wanted nothing more for ourselves. a time when i introduced her to people as my wife and she called me her husband. a time when nothing seemed more right. yet it didn't happen and now i'm forced to dream the dream, a life sentence not for crimes of passion but for crimes against it."
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