"i finally had to write this down. it was something i never wanted to admit to myself but it’s probably the truest thing i’ve learned in my life so far about relationships with women. i’ve got to say it, no matter who may be offended or surprised that these are my thoughts. ok, here it is, still on the subject of "platonic" relationships. if you, as a guy, ever come to the conclusion that you, for whatever reason, will never have any physical contact with a particular female and you’re not good with that, you need to seriously think about whether or not you want to continue that relationship. i think dudes form relationships with women, not necessarily with the intent on fucking every one of them but holding on to the idea that there is at least the potential for some intimacy if that relationship grew into anything. now, i wouldn’t consider myself to be anything close to ho-like but there comes a time when you say i built up all this equity in a relationship where nothing’s ever gonna happen so what the fuck am i doing here? "platonic" must mean mutually agreed upon. i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have even written that shit. i feel lame for writing that word. "strike that last statement from the record your honor." for guys there is no platonic relationship. if a woman wants a relationship with a male with no possibility of physical intimacy, she should talk to her brother. i could say more but i’ll end this thought with one last statement. i’m to the point where i’d rather a woman consider me an asshole for walking away from our relationship then continuing to treat me like i’m her gay male best friend.
apologies for any breaking of man-code laws with this thought. but i’m no fucking eunuch!"
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